Samurai Deeper KYO
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Region: SLPS-03505
Platform: Playstation
Format image: bin,cue
Language: Japanese
Genre: 2D Fighting
Developer: Bandai
Release data: 12/12/02
Status: Full
Players: 1-2
Size rar: ~160mb
Based on the anime series/manga, Samurai Deeper Kyo is a 2D fighting game that presents 9 playable characters from start (there are some secret chars to discover).
Graphically it resembles Last Blade (Gekka no Kenshi) series with nice flashy effects and detailed backgrounds. When it comes to gameplay, there are Simple and Advanced controls (read FAQ for more details) to suit each player capabilities and an Assist Gauge (similiar to King of Fighters 99 Strikers) that lets you call for the backup character when in trouble. A nice and simple game, suited for the anime fans.
Игра сделана исходя из одноименного аниме. Всем фанатам аниме рекомендую.
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