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Powerslave [Russian] [126MB] [Ifolder]

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Platform: SONY PlayStation
Format Image: IMG+Sub+Ccd
Status: Full
Genre: Action (Shooter)/ 3D/ 1st Person
Language: Russian
Developer: Lobotomy Software
Publisher: Playmates Interactive Entertainment
Release Data: 1997
Image Size: 365MB
Rar Size: 100MB + 26,2MB = 126MB

Пароль: Nikotin

Превосходная игра-загадка, "Могучий раб", бросает Вас блуждать по темным катакомбам, могилам и ямам. Вам предстоит сражаться против орд зомби, мумий, пираний, и, конечно, космических  пришельцев. Вы должны приобрести себе вооружение и ключи на пути Вашего следования, для уничтожения всех ваших противников, а также для того, чтобы распутать все тайны в игре.
Эта игра увидела свет в 1997 году, но по многочисленным просьбам игроков она переиздается, что говорит о ее больших достоинствах.

Отредактировано pinniccioo (2008-04-12 16:52:20)



Отлично, классный шутер +



Супер, долго искал, в своё время прошёл почти до конца... Оригинальность в артифактах которые увеличивают возможности игрока...



Кое какие секреты и коды

   Code Effect
   While playing press Circle, R1, R2, Right, Square, L1, L2, Left Better
   While  playing press Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, X, X, Circle,
   Circle Better Swimming
   At the world map menu press Circle Decrease Items
   At the world map menu press Square + Select Increase Items
   At  the  world  map  screen  press Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Right,
   Down, Up, Left on controller 2 Level Select

   Добавил: Mike Truitt, KasketDarkfyre

   Code Effect
   During gameplay perss Squar,e Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle,
   Circle. Dolphin Mode
   At the World Map screen press Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Right,
   Down, Up, Left on the second player controller. Level Select
   During  gameplay  press  Circle,  R1, R2, Square, Right, L1, L2, Left.
   Vulture Mode (press X to fly higher and further)

   Добавил: ABlaster


Team Doll

    Unlockable  How to Unlock
   Dolphin Mode Find 10 Dolls
   Vulture Mode Find 14 Dolls

   Добавил: ABlaster

Delete Items

   On  the  world map screen enter the menu, press Square + Select to add
   an item and Circle to delete an item.



ЧИТЫ в Этой версии игры не работают, однако достать все статуэтки можно (смотри порядковые номера Team doll) и следуй иструкциям.

Tomb of Ramses(PISTOL) -> Karnak -> Karnak Sanctuary(M-60,SANDALS) -> Karnak -> Sobek Pass -> Sobek Mtn. Shrine(SOBEK MASK) -> Karnak -> Amun Mines(AMUN BOMB) -> Set Palace -> Set Arena(SHAWL OF ISIS) -> Karnak(ANKH #1or2) -> Amun Mines -> Cavern Of Peril(FLAMETHROWER) -> Nile Gorge -> Thoth Treasure Reliquary(PROTECTIVE ANKELTS) -> Karnak Sanctuary -> Heket Marsh(COBRA STAFF) -> Sunken Palace of Khnum -> Deserted Slave Camp -> Selkis Path -> Selkis Burrow(SCEPTER) -> Karnak Sanctuary(ANKH #3) -> Sobek Mtn. Shrine -> Magma Fields(RING OF RA) -> Horus Peak(HORUS FEATHER) -> Amun Mines -> Canyons Of Chaos(SACRED MANACLE)-> Kilmaat Colony -> Kilmaat Haunt/Arena -> Tomb of Ramses (automatic) -> the hell out!

TEAM DOLLS: Acquiring the 1st 10 Team Dolls gives you Dolphin Mode which allows you to swim faster and jump out of the water. Acquiring 4 more gives you Vulture Mode which allows you to fly anywhere. Unfortunately, getting all 23 team dolls only gives you a sound byte (NO hidden game like in the Saturn version!!!). This has been confirmed by PIE. NOTE: you don't need all 4 dolphin dolls to get vulture! You're 14th doll gives you Vulture! Thoth you need Vulture to get out NOT to get in...Also, you CAN get the team dolls any time after you win the game the 1st
+------------------------+Tomb of Ramses:
1) [] PISTOL
2) [] Camel (To Karnak)
3) [All 8 Transmitter Pieces!] Team Doll (10 of 23 - Jeffrey J. Blazier):
MAKE SURE your Amun Bomb is FULL when you're done killing Queen. I MEAN FULL!!! (I like Manacle on 1st boss & flamethrower Cobra Staff on 2nd - salamander). On your way to copter
look for strange stone on left wall of passageway bomb it. Two walls to bomb, left one 2 = switch, right one = about 20 walls + a couple switches, sealed door and 1 regular door right in the middle to screw you up!
NOTE: acquiring this as the 10th doll gives you Dolphin Mode! (Neat little Planet of the Apes sound byte!)
4) [Dolphin Mode] Team Doll (11 of 23 - Kevin Chung):
Blow out wall (small crack @ bottom) near 1st switch leading to Ramses
Tomb. Bomb ceiling X at end of water passage.

1) [War] - Camel #1 (To Karnak Sanctuary) Blow thru E. wall in 1st open area, hit switch, get key & blow thru another wall, left door to War Door.
2) [SANDALS] - Camel #2 (To Sobek Pass) near water tunnel. NOTE: Camel behind entrance
3) [Power, MASK] - Camel #3 (To Amun Mines) Thru water tunnel
4) [Time, SHAWL] - ANKH #1or2 near pool across from Time Door - jump & float across to urns.
5) [Vulture Mode] - Team Doll (15 of 23 - Ezra Drisbach)
Bomb top of waterfall & wall to right above falls.

Karnak Sanctuary:
1) [] M-60
2) [Time,War,Earth] - SANDALS OF IKUMPTET
3) [Time, ANKLETS] - Camel #2 (To Heket Marsh)
4) [SCEPTER] - ANKH #3 left of where you got M-60
5) [Dolphin Mode] - Team Doll (12 of 23 - Pat Schreiber)
Bomb wall under bridge spanning green slime.

Sobek Pass:
1) [] TRANSMITTER #1 Drop from ledge to ledge over lava pit
2) [War, Time, Earth] - Camel (To Sobek Mtn. Shrine)
3) [] Team Doll (1 of 23 - Tom Kristensen?)
Blow out wall behind Symbol of Earth. hit switch. back to room with wall Ankh. Blow out wall directly opposite Ankh eye. Get full health ...

Sobek Mtn. Shrine:
1) [War,Earth,Time] - SOBEK MASK
2) [SCEPTER] - Camel (To Magma Fields) 1st Left doorway @end on left
3) [] Team Doll (2 of 23 - Paul Lange)
When you get to lava pit. Blow out wall ahead of 1st platform

Amun Mines:
1) [Time,Earth] AMUN BOMB
2) [Time,Earth,Power] - Camel (To Set Palace)
3) [] TRANSMITTER #2 - Behind barrels next to door that leads to pit + next to green pool is wall you can blow thru w/AMUN BOMB
4) [SHAWL] - Camel #2 (To Cavern Of Peril)
5) [Vulture Mode] Team Doll (16 of 23 - Scott Branston)
Bomb center of purple room roof behind Earth Door.

Set Palace:
NOTE on getting to Camel (THANX Shahir for providing this tip) -- In Set Palace, if you go beneath the Up/Down ledge near Transmitter#3 then follow the lava bank a bit until you reach a short bridge above, jump onto it, get full ammo on one side and blow up the wall on the other side and Presto!'ve reached the camel without having to get Power, Time and going thru' all those timed switches and falling ledges!!
1) [Power,Time] Camel (To Set Arena) NOTE: Switches are strictly timed!
2) [] - TRANSMITTER #3 - Left of Power door is opening. Leap to Up/Dn Ledge. Blow thru wall & leap to Piece.
3) [Vulture Mode] Team Doll (17 of 23 - William Vallierez)
Underneath bridge over 1st lava moat you encounter. Blow out E. wall.

Set Arena:
1) [Beat SET] - SHAWL OF ISIS - My preferred way to kill him... circle him with the strafe buttons constantly. While doing so throw bombs at him. When he jumps turn around and repeat. When you run out of bombs switch to the M-60. Avoid his paralysis missles at all costs!
2) [] Team Doll (3 of 23 - Paul Knutson)
Blow up pillars & wall behind full weapons. Go to full health hit switch, follow tunnel & bomb...

Cavern Of Peril:
1) [] - FLAMETHROWER - Blast thru wall by green waterfall.
2) [Power] - Camel (To Nile Gorge) HINTS: Switch #1) Bottom of pite near top of large waterfall. Swtich #2) bottom of green falls jump to landing & jump/float to Up/Dn ledge when its @top then turn & jump immediately (Yes, it sucks!) Back thru Hieroglyp door of Power Symbol.
3) [Vulture Mode] Team Doll (21 of 23 - Paul Schreiber)
Blow out wall by end camel. Hit switch. Fly ALL the way back up shaft. Door open next to full weapons on bridge.

Nile Gorge:
1) [Time,Power,War,Earth] - Camel (To Thoth Treasure Reliquary) HINTS:
1) Power behind corner pylon underwater.
2) Earth thru underwater tunnel under Earth door
2) [Time] TRANSMITTER #4 Pool w/underwater shaft, blast through corner wall at bottom.
3) [] Team Doll (4 of 23 - Richard Nichols?)
Jump over camel @end. Blowout lower wall.

Thoth Treasure Reliquary:
1) [Time,War,Earth] - PROTECTIVE ANKLETS HINT: Look @ground just before entering lav tunnel. Blast & float down to Earth symbol.
2) [Time,War, FEATHER] - Camel (to Canyon's of Chaos) - Alright you CAN make the jump but it's a BIG PAIN!
3) [Vulture Mode] Team Doll (22 of 23 - David Lawson) - Bomb Anklet pedestal.

Heket Marsh:
1) [Time,Power,War,Earth] - Camel (To Sunken Palace of Khnum)
2) [Time] - COBRA STAFF
3) [Time, SCEPTER] - TRANSMITTER #5 - As you're dropping into pool inside Time Door room.
4) [Dolphin Mode] Team Doll (13 of 23 - John Schwab MIA)
Blow out column across from exit camel.

Sunken Palace of Khnum:
1) [Time,Earth,War,Power] - Camel (To Deserted Slave Camp) HINT: when you pick up symbol of Power GET OUT!!! or you'll be sealed in. Two openings ahead, take one on right for Full Weapons.
2) [] Team Doll (7 of 23 - Paul Haugerud)
Take left door after last key. Across from door you come out into pool is Full health. Bomb wall behind it, hit switch. As you're leaving to go to camel there will be tunnel on your right.

Deserted Slave Camp:
1) [Power,Time,Earth,War] - Camel (To Selkis Path)
2) [Power,Time, FEATHER] - TRANSMITTER #6 - you may be able to do this w/o the FEATHER. If you can more power to your gaming skills. But I wouldn't recommend it. Oh... It's ahead of the fireballs that are shooting at a downward angle.
3) [Vulture Mode] Team Doll (18 of 23 - Joe Krusoja MIA)
Hit switch on floor just past where you got Transmitter piece. Lower shaft. Go in cloverleaf rooms. Shaft above 2nd tier of NE section of cloverleaf rooms.

Selkis Path:
1) [Power,War,Earth] - Camel (To Selkis Burrow)
2) [Vulture Mode] Team Doll (19 of 23 - Kurt Pfeiffer)
Shaft up btw last green ledge & camel to another green ledge.

Selkis Burrow:
1) [Beat Selkis] - SCEPTER Just play duck & run. Save Full Weapons in Selkis' room as long as possible . consider Scorpions left when Selkis dies as a nice bonus.
2) [Vulture Mode] Team Doll (20 of 23 - Troy Jacobson)
Blow out bottom of column around which circular stairs wrap. Hit switch, hit another switch, drop through missing stair.

Magma Paths
1) [] - RING OF RA Drop to lava pit when you come in & hit switch behind door
2) [] - TRANSMITTER PIECE #7 - 1st Up/Dn platform that you see. Jump to next Up/Dn platform & follow.
3) [] - Camel (To Horus Peak) HINT: After floating down lava tunnel (use map to center yourself so you don't touch walls) Kill 1st Magmantis for Full Health & open passage out, kill 2nd for Full Weapons.
4) [] Team Doll (6 of 23 - Dominic Meisner)
As soon as you come out entrance drop to right of bridge & blow out middle of bridge. Hit switch & fall down lava chute. Blow out floor panel at end of chute.

Horus Peak:
HINTS: 1st Lava pit w/Magmantisis - avoid them, hit swtiches & GET OUT 2nd Lava pit (Tall w/ledge switches) - kill 1st 4 Magmantisis by staying where you dropped & hittem them w/M-60 & Ring. Avoid their fireballs by retreating & jumping. Get 1st swtich. Jump to 2nd swtich then drop back down for 3rd (door now open). Reset by stepping on switch. Kill 2 more Magmantisis. Make sure you hit all 3 swtiches ONCE after resetting fireballs. When all silent make your way up to the top.
2) [] Team Doll (5 of 23 - Eric Klokstad)
After run of falling wooden platforms. Jump over lava falls turn and bomb side of lava fall.

Canyons Of Chaos:
1) [] - SACRED MANACLE HINT: From where you start, follow left to end of ledge then float around to left
2) [Earth,Power,Time] - Camel (to Kilmaat Colony) HINT: BE Patient with this board. I could describe this board in more detail but its damn hard. If you find a sealed door and you're facing a Magmantis... Well, kill it to unseal the door (this is required 2 or 3 times) otherwise avoid them.
3) [] - TRANSMITTER #8 Around and up to the topmost level there is a ledge shooting blue fireballs.
4) [] Team Doll (8 of 23 - John Van Deusen)
HARD! From camel jump/hover to right duck under span land in front of Time Door turn go back to span and bomb it. Enter up thru ceiling to 2 Magmantises. (I suggest you kill them).
Bomb ceiling above platform, Jump up ledge to ledge then enter BLUE BALL HELL!!!

Kilmaat Colony:
1) [Power,Time,War] - Camel (To Kilmaat Haunt) HINTS: Blow out panel right of entrance. Drop to poow, blow sewer cover & follow tunner to door to step switch. Back thru water to ledge & door to Symbol of Power. Jump up ledge & grenade next ledge up. Back to beginning thru fireball tunnel. Through power to door to left to floating floor. Let it drop then drop & float to Symbol of Time. Now follow tunnel to pool. Blow open ceiling panel in room. Go back to floating
floor, follow passage & drop into room. Through Time Door. Hit swtich & follow lava tunnel to floor swtich. Jump on ledge left of Time Door & up to next level. Go to ledge w/Up/Dn ledge and drop down thru hole (ceiling) you blaster earlier to get Symbol of War. Go all the way back
to Time Door romm & take ledge up . Drop into room w/War Door.
2) [Dolphin Mode] Team doll (14 of 23 - Mark Coates)
Take door in room w/Time door. Bomb middle of W. wall. NOTE: Get Vulture Mode! (Kind of a pain to control. You can easily fall too far and die if you're not careful!)

Kilmaat Haunt --> Kilmaat Arena:
Just concentrate on firing, circling & NOT FALLING OFF! DON'T use your Amun bombs if you're going after the team dolls! I like the Manacle on the 1st guy. You can actually kill him BEFORE he releases his pods with 3 full hits from the Manacle.

1) [] Team Doll (9 of 23 - John Yuill)
Give up Feather & Scepter (as you come in the last 2 graves on your left. Go back up. Door is now open behind Full Health.
2) [Vulture Mode] Team Doll (23 of 23 - Brian McNeely)
Under Ramses body. Fly from lower ring towards entrance to invisible walkway with team doll on it.
NOTE: What do you get for the last doll?
-- Bill Clinton impression of Planet Of The Apes quote.

END #1) w/o Transmitter --> join Ramses in realm of dead. Kilmaat come back to excavate your remains. (Oh Joy!)
END #2) w/Transmitter --> Ramses gives you gift of immortality & ability to rule over all you survey. Get Out??? (Yes, I said you still have to get out! How annoying!) You become King of World.
NO OTHER ENDINGS in the PSX version.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanx to Shahir for the tip in Set Palace, Thanx to Paul Olivero for passing on tips on finding the first 10 team dolls form Lee at PIE (Thanx to him too!).
Copyright 1997 by Wolverine Inc. All Rights Reserved.






эта же игра лежит здеся

Отредактировано Ar4i (2008-08-25 13:46:27)


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